Step 1
Open the image you decided to use. My picture is 350x259 pixels, so I will open new document 350x310 pixels. This will give me some free space at the top. You should do that too.

Notice the white space at the top.
Step 2
Now hold ctrl+click and select the two layers. Then Right Click and Merge Layers. Make a new layer, set your foreground to #8f9a32 and with your Rounded Rectangular Tool and make a rectangular, half on the with part, half on the picture. Set the opacity to 85%.

dd some text, like in the image or how ever you like.

Step 3
Do the same like before, but this time place the rectangular under the first one and fill it with #8a4e8a and set the opacity to 80%.

Step 4
Now the final part. In the white part at the top place the text and go to Layer->Layer Style->Drop Shadow.

The final result should be this.

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